Friday, January 11, 2013

Simple Ways to Reduce Your Calorie Intake Each Day By John H Cooper

Like most people I'm getting a little sick of hearing about how people are going to lose weight this year when they've never been able to accomplish it before. I'm not a nasty person but I think that too many people think that they can't change their habits or weight without it being a new year and even then peoples diets don't last long. People try to hard to follow the latest celebrity diet and they are only diet plans, which set you up for failure. They shock your body into losing weight but then when you finish the diet you can't keep the weight off so you're even more depressed when you put the weight back on. I've written this article to highlight a few simple things you can do (without dieting!) in your normal day-to-day life and cooking to reduce the calorie intake and hopefully decrease the weight.

1. Reduce the amount of carbs you eat. Carbs are part of a natural diet and I don't agree with cutting them out of your diet completely which is what a lot of celebrities do but I do think we eat too many. Maybe eat a little less bread and substitute it for a pitta bread or swap your potatoes for rice or salad. If you are going to have them just cut down your portion a little.

2. Change mayonnaise for low fat or even a vinaigrette dressing. Many of us don't even consider the calories in dressings and sauces and pile it high on a plate!

3. Swap fizzy drinks for sparkling water. I have a habit of drinking too many fizzy drinks, which are all extra calories. By drinking sparkling water you're still getting the fizzy kick without the sugar.

4. Put your food on a smaller plate. It sounds simple but I find I fill a plate regardless of the size and to the same extent if I finish my plate I feel full. So, why not try a smaller plate and have a smaller portion.

5. Don't rush your food. Enjoy it and make it more of an event of the day, then you'll not only feel satisfied with it but you'll also remember it more and you'll be less likely to snack. I find if I rush eating I completely forget I've eaten and then snack without even accessing whether I'm hungry.

I hope you find these few tips useful.

Shrimp is always a great healthy option to cook if you're watching to feel full but not intake too many calories. If you wish to know how to butterfly shrimp then here's how.

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