Thursday, January 31, 2013

8 Tips on Successful Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Congratulations, Mommy! Having a child is one of the greatest blessings you will ever receive in your life. Nothing is more fulfilling than being with your little on every day and watching him or her bloom into a great person. However, being a mother is not easy. If you have just given birth, you are at risk for post-partum depression. Most of the time, this depression comes from the baby weight you put on. Being healthy is important. Now that you have someone who needs your utmost care and attention, you must make sure that you should be very healthy. And everyone knows that nothing is healthy about being overweight. So here are effective tips on weight loss after pregnancy.

Tip # 1: Accept That This Won't Happen Instantly

One common mistake that new mothers do is to look for someone to idolize. Often times, these are celebrities that lose weight instantly after giving birth. If you are doing this, stop. Reality check: you won't lose weight instantly and these celebrities have the luxury of paying doctors to do cosmetic surgery on them. They may look good, but they are the worst examples of weight loss after giving birth.

Tip # 2: Recovery is Your Priority

Although you're so excited to lose weight and regain your previous before-motherhood body, you have to recover first. It will take up to 6 months for your body to return to normal. The sign that you have fully recovered is if you are already getting your period regularly. You don't want to have any complications because of forcing yourself to work out right away. Take time to rest because you just gave birth to a baby. What you could do at this point is to focus on the food you eat. Besides, you will most likely be breastfeeding, so whatever you are consuming, your baby will consume as well.

Tip # 3: Set a Realistic Goal

People who fail at losing weight do so because of one thing - they have set unrealistic goals for themselves. If you set unrealistic goals for yourself, you will end up being frustrated and giving up often. You will also probably turn to binge eating which is a very bad habit! It will make you gain weight like crazy without you knowing! Your goal should be something like 30 pounds in 6 months or something similar. The goal should encompass the amount of weight you want to lose along with the time frame you give yourself.

Tip # 4: Exercise Regularly

The keyword in that phrase is the word "regularly". Weight loss after pregnancy is hard to attain without a regular workout routine. It will be easier for you to stick to your goals if you work out regularly. This will constantly make you lose weight and will keep you on track. If you are busy, then 30 minutes for three times in a week is alright. If you have time to spare or while your baby is asleep and you don't have any tasks, go ahead and increase the time for your exercises. However, do not jeopardize your time for sleeping. Most new mothers are sleep deprived. Lack of sleep is never good for losing weight. As much as possible, get enough sleep. If you don't, your metabolism will be really slow. You will end up gaining weight instead.

Tip # 5: Team Up

Working out is more fun when you have other mothers with you. Sharing a goal with other people will motivate you more. Also, there are many workouts that burn a lot of calories that are grouped workouts such as Zumba and Tae Bo! Having friends around will make the experience more memorable and fun.

Tip # 6: Modify your Meals

Meals are important. However, if want to lose weight, you will have to modify your meals a little bit. First of all, you need to eat more meals but in smaller portions. Every breakfast, have some oatmeal or whole wheat bread. There are also many fruits and vegetables that are packed with vitamins and minerals and in fiber, too. Fiber is good for your diet because it will help in making sure your digestion goes smoothly. If you work out a lot, then go for protein rich foods which are not full of fat. Protein will aid in muscle recovery so you can work out more and tone faster.

Tip # 7: Choose To Breastfeed

Breastfeeding will help you lose weight. Decide to stick to it for the next two years. Breastfeeding your baby requires 500 calories from you in a day. That is already worth 2 hours of continuous cardiovascular exercises. Besides, breastfeeding has a lot of benefits especially to the immune system. Your baby will develop faster and will have natural vitamins and minerals that will come from breast milk. Do not skip on that chance.

Tip # 8: Go for Workouts you Can Do at Home

The reason why some new mothers pass on working out is because they believe it consumes so much of their time. Admit it; time is not a luxury when you have a baby around. There is just so much to do. If you have the same situation, then you should workout smart. Choose routines that you can do at home. Split the routines as well. If you can do routines for 15 minutes in the morning, another 15 minutes in the afternoon and 15 minutes in the evening, then that would be great. However, remember that breaking up routines is only advisable when you are a person who knows how to follow a schedule. So if you make one, be sure to stick to it. Take a piece of paper and write down your routines as well. Crunches in the morning, lunges in the afternoon and cardio at night would be a start.

Weight loss after pregnancy seems impossible for some because having a baby requires a lot of attention from the mother. In fact, at times you may feel guilty for even giving yourself some time to exercise and get in shape. Don't be! Everything good that you do for yourself is also good for your child. A healthy mom breeds a healthy kid. Good luck!

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Why Good Weight-Loss Nutrition is Important By Lisa Marie Carter

Safe and healthy weight loss rests very much on the right amounts of exercise and the right nutrition. It is all very good and well to go on crash diets and exercise all day and every day. However, without the right weight loss nutrition, you run the risk of making yourself ill. We need a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle to get on in life. The wrong nutrition will leave you feeling exhausted and generally unwell, and could, in the long term, do yourself some damage.

To achieve the right lose weight nutrition, you need to eat the right amounts of food and the right types of food. That is not to say that you cannot eat chocolate or drink alcohol, it just means that you must do it in moderation to be healthy and safe. If you wish to achieve the right weight loss nutrition, it is a good idea to arm yourself with as much information as possible. Seeing a Doctor is a good step, as they can then refer you to a dietitian or nutritionist that will advise you on the right weight loss nutrition plan to suit you. When this is combined with the right amounts of exercise, you will find that you can lose weight in a healthy and safe manner.

This plan of the right losing weight nutrition with the right exercise will not only be good for you to be able to lose weight in a safe way, but you will also find that it is good for overall health and will leave you feeling more awake and with more energy. There are hundreds of ways in which you can find information about weight loss nutrition, from the Doctor and other professionals, as well as books that you can buy, the internet and also leaflets.

Lisa is an internet marketer and article writer who enjoys writing on all things to do with weight loss, diets and women's issues. Recently she has diversified and her new venture is about yellow diamond engagement rings []. The website is somewhere that you can obtain reviews and views on a range of yellow diamond engagement rings [] including How To Choose The Perfect Yellow Diamond Engagement Rings.

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Weight Loss Nutrition - How To Determine If Your Diet Is Right For You By Ted Ryce

With 50,000 results coming from searching "diet books" on, it's not surprising that so many people are confused about what they should be eating to lose weight and get healthy. Many people embark on fad diets without knowing how to tell if a diet plan is right for them or not. In this post, I'm going to share with you the principles that I believe all good nutrition programs should follow.

So let's get to it...

1. Good Nutrition Controls 'Calories In' Versus 'Calories Out'

This is not just a dietary rule but a fundamental law of nature. Known in the physics world as the First Law of Thermodynamics, it states that that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred. How does this apply to what you eat? If you eat more calories than you use, you gain weight. Or if you take in less calories than you use, you lose weight. And if you take in as many calories as you burn, you will remain the same weight.

In reality all calories aren't made equally and severe calorie-restricted diets can waste away your muscles which can end up making you gain the weight back. However, calories are an important factor and can be the sole determinant of whether you are losing or gaining weight.

2. Good Nutrition Improves The Way You Look And Your Health

Not only should you look better from a good nutrition plan but your blood chemistry should improve as well. You should take before and after pictures along with measurements to measure your change in appearance but going to the your doctor to have your blood work done is the way to tell if your health is improving. This way you make sure that your nutrition plan is also improving your health as well as your aesthetics.

3. Good Nutrition Provides Results

"I don't understand. I eat we but I'm still gaining weight." I have news for you: you are not following an appropriate nutrition plan if you are not losing weight. Maybe your diet isn't right for you, maybe your diet is good but you are not following it well or maybe your diet isn't right for anyone. The fact of the matter is that a good nutrition program is one that provides results.

4. Good Nutrition Has Flexibility

I call this the 90/10 rule. I eat a pretty strict diet about 90% of the time, but the other 10% I cheat. Never having ice cream, or drinking alcohol, or eating pizza is not my idea of a good time. Let's face it: some of the things that are "bad" for you are also pretty tasty!

I encourage my clients to reward themselves every week with "cheat" meals. Knowing that you will eventually be able to eat something that you want helps with adhering to your nutrition plan. There's also evidence that cheat meals can help with your results via a hormone called leptin.

WARNING! You might have to be really strict for several weeks (or maybe even months) to get yourself started so you can develop the new behaviors that that will put you on the track to success. Another problem that I see is that people think they're cheating 10% of the time when they are actually cheating more. Don't do that! Like I mentioned above, if you aren't getting results, then most likely that you are not sticking to your program or your program isn't good for you. Using a food diary is one way to be sure you know exactly what you are eating. No need to weigh your food, just start writing things down.

The Take Away

The big take away here is that your nutritional plan should be getting you results, improving the way you look and your health and allow you some room to have some treats in the process. If it isn't, then something needs to change!

Ted Ryce is a Miami Beach Personal Trainer who specializes in Fitness, Fat loss and exercises for Injuries.
Visit my website for more information on Fat Loss, Nutrition and Miami Beach Personal Training.

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Weight Loss - The Importance of Alkalinity By John Stamford

This very well may be the most important article that you ever read in your life. I realize that may sound arrogant, but just read on and you will see why I feel so strongly about it. When I refer to alkalinity, I am referring to the alkalinity of your blood. Whether you are looking to achieve weight loss or just improve your general wellbeing, alkalinity is the key. Let me explain why.

First of all, the opposite of alkalinity is acidity. For those of you who remember science class all those years ago, you will know what I am referring to. But for the sake of this article, all you need to know is that alkalinity is vitally important and that every single thing you eat will have either an alkalizing or an acidic effect on the body.

The more alkalized you are, the more energy you have. The more acidic you are, the less energy you have. What's more, people with highly acidic diets are much more susceptible to disease and ill health than those who do not.

When your body is alkalized (from eating enough alkalizing foods and drinks) your body will perform as nature intended it to do so, and nature intended for our bodies to be strong, fat-burning machines that are highly resistant to disease.

Therefore, the more alkalized you are, the faster weight loss will occur.

Now, you are probably wondering what you need to do in order to achieve this. Well, there are 2 things that you need to do:

1) Consume a large amount of alkalizing foods and drinks; and

2) Avoid consuming acidic foods and drinks.

Sounds simple, right? Good. That's because it is.
I recommend that you do a quick Google search in your own time in order to become familiar with which foods to eat and which foods to ditch, but for now let me list the best and worst foods of all time when it comes to achieving an alkaline body:


- Green Tea
- Lemons
- Celery
- Broccoli
- Asparagus
- Almonds


- Cola
- Red Meat
- Sodas
- White Pasta
- Artificial Sweeteners

Alkalinity is such a huge topic to cover, but I hope that I have given you all a satisfactory introduction here in this article. So do your research and next time you are shopping for weight loss foods, try to make sure that the ones you pick have an alkalizing effect on your body.

Remember, this is about more than weight loss: This is about your health and vitality.

John Stamford is a personal trainer, nutritionist and an expert in everything relating to fat loss. Visit John's website in order to discover "One Tip That May Be Preventing You From Losing Fat", plus receive free eBooks, reports and updates for life at:

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Extreme Weight Loss - 7 Nutrition Tips To Lose Weight Fast (Part 1)

Whether you are a bodybuilder trying to shed fat for a competition, or somebody who drastically needs to drop weight in order to improve the quality of their life, this article is for you. If extreme weight loss is what you are after, then these 7 nutrition tips will help get you there in one piece. Apply this advice with consistency and you will never look back.

1. Calories - No matter what you do, calories are always going to count at the end of the day. You have to burn more than you take in or you will not drop any weight at all.

2. Deficits - Calorie deficits refer to how many calories you burned at the end of the day. Look at this from a weekly perspective. At the end of the week if you have burned 7,000 calories for example, you would see around a 1-kilogram reduction in bodyweight.

3. Don't Starve - If you think that you will drop weight by starving yourself, you are unfortunately incorrect. If you try to diet this way, your body will think that it is not being fed properly (which it isn't) and will store whatever you eat next as body fat.

4. Increase Protein - You will want to increase your protein intake if you are serious about extreme weight loss. Your body uses protein to repair and fuel your muscles before and after exercising. Generally, the higher protein diet you have, the leaner you will appear.

5. Protein and Weight Loss - The reason why protein is so beneficial to people trying to lose weight is because the body finds it hard to break down proteins, as compared to carbohydrates and fats. Therefore, your body will use more energy as a result of this and burn more fat.

6. The Effect of Glycogen - Without boring you with all of the details, glycogen plays a key role in weight loss. You should aim to empty your glycogen stores once every 2 weeks in order to maximize your progress. This is simple to perform: Every 2 weeks, eat no more than 90 grams of carbohydrates for 2 days.

7. Remember Healthy Fats - The human body finds it very hard to use its own body fat stores as energy if you aren't eating enough healthy fats everyday. Start cooking using coconut oil and eat fish at least 3 times per week to help ensure that this doesn't occur.

Nutrition is everything when it comes to weight loss and even general wellbeing. Now that you have these 7 tips under your belt, you have a better understanding of how bodybuilders and fitness models are able to achieve such extreme weight loss in such a short period of time.

John Stamford is a personal trainer, nutritionist and an expert in everything relating to fat loss. Visit his website in order to discover "One Tip That May Be Preventing You From Losing Fat", plus receive Free Updates for life at:

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Bee Pollen Weight Loss Nutrition Benefits By David Laurence

Bee Pollen Weight Loss supplements work by providing all the necessary ingredients you need to control your metabolism, and that is the natural process which helps you to maintain proper weight control.

How does this work?

Bee pollen is actually a 'food' that contains very concentrated nutrients so that even small amounts can prove effective, and provide your body with valuable levels of nutritional sustenance.

This pollen contains an amazing amount of B Vitamins (all except B12), all the essential 22 amino acids plus 14 fatty acids which include essential fatty acids, RNA, DNA, vitamin D, lecithin/choline, carotenes, polysaccharides and enzymes.

All these components of nutrition are essential for our bodies, but are missing from many modern diets as we tend not to eat the right daily amounts of fruits,vegetables and healthy foods.

In the US in recent years, obesity rates have risen dramatically, and Australia and the UK are not too far behind, closely followed by many other countries.

This has now become one of the largest health problems in the world.

Why is this?

Over processed foods seem to feature predominantly in Western diets. These foods are high in calories but deficient in nutrients.

If it is in a packet then chances are that it is processed!

Nutrients that you would expect to find in other foods are also missing due to soil depletion caused by overuse or chemical fertilizers.

Weight problems begin when our bodies call for these essential nutrients.

In order to function healthily our body must have these nutrients, and if it can't get them from these empty calories, the body encourages you to overeat in its continued search for them, even though your body has already received enough food to function healthily.

This excess food then converts to body fat and as we all know that tends to end up in your belly, butt, hips and thighs!

Because bee pollen is so nutrient dense by adding it to your diet your body can then reach its target intake of nutrients much more quickly, which means that you eat less.

Eating less means that the pollen helps you to lose weight by reducing your intake of calories. By taking some exercise as well, you will soon get an overall feeling of wellness from this superfood along with the weight loss.

However, you will not get instant results, but you will start to feel better after just a few doses, and then you will start to see weight loss a few weeks later.

Losing weight this way is a natural process where your body has to be rebuilt or synchronized.

The good news is that you don't need to diet either, but a healthy diet will speed things up.

Bee pollen weight loss supplements do not work by tricking or starving your body but by providing your cells all the very important nutrients needed to control metabolism and to help you maintain good weight control.

David Laurence is a long time advocate and researcher of natural cures for health problems. Visit his website now at The products we use come from the pristine environment of New Zealand with excellent results. Be sure to check out our bee pollen benefits and discover more information about the benefits of bee pollen.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Preventing Sports Injuries - 6 Tips To Help You Stay Safe By Stella Meed

As an athlete or even a person who likes to keep physically fit, you'll need to have fairly good knowledge about preventing sports injuries. Most sports injuries are completely avoidable but many people do not have adequate knowledge about how to prevent them. This results in a great deal of unnecessary pain and expense, in addition to periods of enforced immobility.

There are many different reasons for sports injuries and certain people are more susceptible to accidents and problems because of the particular sport they practice or even because of the type of body they have.
The following tips will be immensely helpful in preventing sporting injuries:

- Get adequately warmed up before attempting vigorous physical activity of any sort. Start your exercise routine with mild exercises and stretches so that your muscles do not get stressed unduly. This is particularly important if you are starting to exercise after a very long period of being inactive.

- Cool down correctly after vigorous physical activity. This too is very important because it helps bring the muscles down to their normal state after a period of exertion when they are under a great deal of stress.

- Wear the right equipment including footwear and protective gear. This has a very important role in keeping you safe when you do physical activity. For instance, ill-fitting shoes can lead to sprained ankles. You'll also need to wear the right helmets and guards in case you are dong certain sports.

- Get the right training so that you do the sport or exercise in the correct manner. Whether you are playing football or exercising with weights, you'll need to know the right technique or else you won't be able to stay free from injury.

- Avoid doing any particular activity or exercise repeatedly so that you do not place undue stress on the bones or muscles of any part of the body. If you have to work out then you should plan your exercise routine so that you can work on different parts of your body one after the other.

- Do the right exercises to strengthen your muscles and increase flexibility. This will help you perform better at sports or any other type of physical activity without fear of getting injured.

Preventing sports injuries is actually extremely easy. Once you start taking the necessary precautions you will be able to enjoy all physical activity without getting hurt (and you will also save money).

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Nutrition Ideas for Weight Loss By Stella Meed

Are you looking for nutrition ideas that will help you lose weight without compromising your health? Weight loss is never an easy to thing to do especially if you have been overweight for quite a while. There is no short cut to weight loss; the only way to achieve it in a safe manner is to cut back on your calories and to exercise more. You'll need to focus on the quality of the food you eat because it is not a good idea to indiscriminately cut back on the amount of food you consume. A drastic diet can result in lack of nutrition as well as uncontrollable food cravings. In addition, your skin will look dull and lifeless and you will also suffer from hair loss.

- Your daily food intake should have a very high percentage of low fat proteins. Seafood, chicken, pulses and tofu are good sources of protein as opposed to red meat. Protein takes longer to digest than other foods and this helps burn more calories.

- Substitute all refined carbohydrates with unrefined ones. Eat whole wheat bread and pasta, but in limited quantities. This will enable you to stay full longer and it therefore helps deal with food cravings. You won't feel the need to snack in between meals as long as the food you eat is filling.

- You need to have lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Not only do they contain lots of fiber which helps in digestion but they also provide you with the right kind of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Fiber rich foods also are helpful in preventing food cravings.

- Avoid frying your food in order to reduce your intake of fats. Stick to steaming, boiling, roasting and baking your food.

It is best to plan to lose weight gradually instead of attempting a crash diet since this ensures that you won't put weight back on again. You do need to reduce the amount of food you eat on a daily basis if you are serious about losing weight. Use the above tips to plan your daily meals in order to ensure that you get the right nutrition without the excess calories. It is also a very good idea for you to keep track of what you eat with the help of a food diary since this will prevent you from straying from your healthy food plan.

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Include Enough Protein in Your Weight Loss Diet Plan By Jim Duffy

When it comes to weight loss, the only truly healthy way to do it is to get a certain amount of exercise every day and by following a healthy diet that is well-balanced and contains all of the nutrients that you need in order to be healthy. Other diets that promote weight loss but are not rich in nutrients are not healthy and can actually lead to a number of health problems that will outweigh any weight problems, including malnutrition.

Many foods that are high in protein are also high in calories, so it is important to figure out which protein foods are right for a weight loss diet. You can also use protein rich foods as snacks, as they are filling and you aren't going to end up feeling hungry a few minutes after eating.

How Much Protein Do You Need in Your Weight Loss Diet?

The amount of protein a person needs in their weight loss diet depends on four factors: age, health, gender, and level of activity. According to the American Heart Association, the American Diabetes Association, and a number of other health organizations, the average adult should have about 35% of their daily caloric intake coming from protein. This may seem like a lot, but it is easy to get enough protein from dietary sources that are very good for any weight loss diet.

What Is Protein and Why Do We Need It?

Protein is a macronutrient that our bodies need if we want to live healthy and happy lives. Protein is essential for muscle and soft tissue maintenance and helps the muscles and tissues recover following injuries, traumas, or surgeries. Every cell in our bodies is made from protein and our bodies would not function properly without this macronutrient. Protein is made from chains of amino acids. There are two types of proteins, complete and incomplete. Complete proteins are proteins that contain all of the essential and non-essential amino acids, while incomplete proteins do not contain all of the amino acids.

If you want to figure out how much protein you should be getting in your diet, there is an easy way to figure it out. All you need to do is take your body weight and divide it by 2.2. Then, multiply it by one of the following numbers:

- By 0.4 if you are sedentary or inactive

- By 0.5 to 0.8 if you are moderately active, such as a short walk daily

- By 0.8 to 1 gram if you are very active, such as daily workouts

If you are very obese and do not know what you need in a diet that will promote weight loss, it is important that you visit your physician. It may be that you even need to undergo weight loss surgery, if your obesity has gone too far. But if your physician feels that you can control your weight through your diet, he or she will help you put together a weight loss diet that will work for you. Typically, a healthy diet will consist of 35% proteins, 50% good carbohydrates, and 15% good fats. Even when you are following a weight loss diet, you need to have a certain amount of fat and carbohydrates. In fact, fat, carbohydrates, and protein are all macronutrients that our bodies depend on to stay healthy. It is just important to remember that the carbohydrates must be good, or complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates that come from sugar sources digest slower than the good carbohydrates and this is one of the things that leads to weight gain. Having the right types of nutrients in your diet, including carbohydrates and fats, will help to promote weight loss in a healthy way.

Protein Supplements Can Benefit Your Weight Loss Diet

Protein supplements can be used if you are afraid to get too many high calorie foods in your diets, but want to make sure that you are getting all of the nutrients that you need, including protein. Many people like using protein supplements as meal replacements and there are also all kinds of delicious snack foods that are high in protein, including protein bars that taste just like regular chocolate bars.

There are many different sources of protein that are used in protein supplements. Whey is very popular, because it is easy to digest and it begins working almost immediately. Casein is also popular and like whey, it is a milk derivative. Both whey and casein are byproducts of the cheese-making process. Other proteins that are popular for many supplements include soy, the only plant-based protein that is a complete protein, rice, and egg proteins.

If you want to include protein supplements into your weight loss diet, there are all kinds of options available to you. Many people like using liquid protein supplements, because they can either be used in drinks that you make yourself, or you can buy shakes and smoothies that are already pre-packaged and ready to take with you in a hurry. Other popular protein supplements include protein powders and liquid protein shots.

Protein Powders - There are many different protein powders available and the one you choose will ultimately depend on your taste and any food allergies or intolerances you may have. For instance, whey and casein are wonderful protein supplements, but because they are milk derivatives, they may not be the supplement of choice for those who are lactose intolerant. But on the other hand, if you are able to digest dairy, whey and casein are both complete proteins. Rice protein is great, because it is hypoallergenic and is popular with vegetarians. Another popular choice is soy, which is a complete protein, containing all of the essential and non-essential amino acids.

There are many other types of protein supplements available and if you are unsure which one is best for your weight loss, it is best to discuss it with a physician, a nutritionist, or a dietitian. With their help, you will be able to come up with a weight loss diet plan that will work for you and will not leave you feeling hungry and unsatisfied.

About Protica Research
Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of protein-rich, capsulized foods (dense nutrition in compact liquid and food forms). Protica manufactures Profect protein beverage, IsoMetric, Fruitasia and more than 100 other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility.

You can learn more about Protica at

Copyright - Protica Research -

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Weight Loss Vitamins By Jim Duffy

The best prescription for weight loss is a combination of eating less and exercising more. It's important not to eat too little, as your body will go in to starvation mode and hold on to stored fat thinking it's going to need it for later. Eating the right kinds of foods is also very important. Ensuring that your body has a sufficient amount of certain vitamins can help aid in the weight loss process. The most natural way is to ensure that the foods you're consuming contain these weight loss vitamins, but there are also several other sources that will still provide the needed vitamins for weight loss from pills, powders, and liquids. We're going to take a closer look at weight loss vitamins and which ones can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

B Vitamins

There are a variety of weight loss vitamins in the "B" family. There are 13 essential vitamins that the body needs, and eight of them are from the B family. Overall, they aid in metabolism, the production of energy, and red blood cell synthesis. Individually, here are some of the additional benefits and where you can find these weigh loss vitamins in your foods:

B2 - Riboflavin - B2 makes sure your thyroid and metabolism are functioning properly. It aids in providing you needed energy, therefore when you are exercising, it is used up and it is essential to replace it. Good sources of foods for B2 include dairy products such as milk, hard cheeses and eggs. Liver, kidney beans, almonds and leafy green vegetables are also good sources.

B3 - Niacin - B3 is similar to B2 in that it is necessary for the proper function of the thyroid. It is needed to produce the thyroid hormone. You can find B3 in tuna, salmon, and mackerel. Other sources include turkey, chicken, eggs, oats, barley, dried fruit, and brown rice.

B5 - Panthothenic Acid - B5 synthesizes and metabolizes fat, protein, and carbohydrates in the body. A deficiency in of B5 interferes with the body's ability to utilize fat. B5 can be found in meats including poultry, liver, and kidneys. Other good sources include green vegetables, whole grain breads, eggs, and nuts.

B6 - Pyridoxine - B6 is another vitamin in the B family that assists with the thyroid and metabolism. It regulates the production of the thyroid hormone and helps make sure the metabolism is running smoothly. Good sources of B6 include sardines, mackerel, beef, avocados, bananas, brown rice, wheat germ, and eggs.

B12 - Cyanocobalamin or cobalamin - B12 is probably the most common of the B-complex weight loss vitamins. It is essential for energy production and is involved in the metabolism of virtually every cell in the body. It also plays a key role in the correct functioning of the brain and nervous system. Good sources for B12 include meat (especially liver), shellfish, poultry, milk, and eggs.


Choline is a member of the vitamin B complex family and is necessary for fat metabolism efficiency. If you are deficient in choline, fats can become trapped in the liver. Good sources of foods for choline include beef liver, beef heart, egg yolks, cauliflower, cucumbers and peanuts.


Inositol is another member of the vitamin B complex family. When it is combined with choline, it assists in the metabolism of fat. Sources of inositol include eggs, soy products, citrus fruits, beef heart and liver, nuts and whole grains.

Vitamin C

Although we hear a lot of benefits of vitamin C from boosting the immune system to preventing certain diseases, it has also been shown to be a valuable weight loss vitamin. It is necessary to help convert glucose to energy in the cells of the body.

Researchers have also recently found that higher levels of Vitamin C in the body cause fat to be burned at a quicker rate - helping the metabolism to speed up.

Good sources of vitamin C include oranges, lemons, strawberries, broccoli, green peppers, kiwis, Brussels sprouts and cabbage.


Chromium is essential for the proper metabolism of fat. It also helps to reduce cholesterol, curb food cravings, convert glucose to energy, and maintain the proper blood sugar levels in the body. Good sources of chromium include wheat germ, raw onions, tomatoes, potatoes and whole grain cereals.

Do Women's Needs Differ from Men's in Vitamins for Weight Loss?

Women have some different needs then men when it comes to vitamins and nutrients in the body. So some vitamins for weight loss are more useful for women then they would be for men. Not that they would be bad in men, just not as effective for weight loss. This is due to the difference in structure of fat cells in women as opposed to men. Some specific types of weight loss vitamins that seem to work especially well for women are B2, B3, B5, B6, Choline, Inositol and Vitamin C.

Basic Tips for Weight Loss Vitamins

Before making any major changes to your diet, including taking weight loss vitamins, it's a good idea to see your doctor first. A good baseline of blood work and an overall physical will also show you the progress you are making as you make changes to your diet.

Take a good look at the food sources listed above to create meals that are rich in these vitamins. Many of the various weight loss vitamins are found in the same foods. What you will not find these vitamins in are highly processed foods and foods containing large amounts of sugars. That should give you a good hint of what to avoid!

Again, you can choose to get the majority of your vitamins for weight loss through eating balanced healthy meals. However, sometimes this is not practical for all meals especially if you have a busy lifestyle. You can also get these vitamins through a variety of pills, liquids, or powders. Another good source of getting your necessary weight loss vitamins is through a protein supplement.

No matter what protein supplement you use, take a look at the label to ensure the protein supplement you are going to take has a good selection of the vitamins you want. This can be an easy and convenient way to get your weight loss vitamins.

About Protica Research

Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of protein-rich, capsulized foods (dense nutrition in compact liquid and food forms). Protica manufactures Profect protein beverage, IsoMetric, Fruitasia and more than 100 other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility.

You can learn more about Protica at

Copyright - Protica Research -

Life With a Lap Band - Adjusting Your Body Image Can Be Harder Than Adjusting Your Lap Band

Have you had lap band surgery, met your goal, but still see yourself at your starting weight in your mind's eye? Are you afraid you are going to wake up one morning and all of your hard earned lap band success will be gone? Do you still shop for large size clothes? Would you like some help changing your image of your body size after you change your body size? The following is one patient's journey towards self confidence and self esteem as she changed from a high BMI to a normal healthy weight.

I believe that self confidence and self esteem is something that we humans work on daily, no matter what our size or where we are on this journey called life. However, having lost 250 pounds can certainly skew one's self image and these are some of the tools you can use to help you get over those challenges:

· Be your own cheerleader. Weigh yourself frequently and celebrate every pound you have lost. Check yourself out in the mirror and remember how much more of the mirror your image covered when you started your journey.

· Find a support buddy, mentor or coach. Take someone with you when you shop for clothes so they can point you to the smaller sizes and give you honest input on how you look in clothes. You will probably not be seeing yourself through the same eyes that the rest of the world sees you through. Use this person to remind you that you can sit in a booth at a restaurant, you don't need to use the handicapped rest room.

· Look, really look at your significant other as he/she introduces you to someone or talks up your success with someone. There will probably be a sparkle of pride in their eyes. That pride is for the success you have achieved after your weight loss surgery, as well as how healthy you are and how good you look. Your family can be your biggest cheering section.

· Use your support group for what they are- support. Being part of a group of like people is always rewarding and you get the chance to celebrate your successes with those who actually are going through similar experiences. Besides always learning something from a support group meeting you can find out that you are not the only one who is afraid of waking up fat every morning.

· Pay it forward. If you are a successful lap band patient you can offer to give testimonials at your surgeon's informational seminars. Every time I speak at one I am reminded that without using my lap band to successfully lose weight I would have either been dead, or have a very restricted quality of life. This allows a room full of strangers to be your cheerleaders.

· Use your surgeon's office with all of the staff, physician's assistants, nurses, patient facilitators to be the support you need to understand how far you have come. These people are there to be your best friend, your coach, your teacher and your conscience as you embark on your weight loss journey. They are there for you as you maintain your weight loss too.

I have asked my surgeon whether he considers me cured of obesity at six years post op and maintaining my weight loss for over four years, or whether I am in remission or undergoing treatment. His response is "It depends on your own personal frame of mind and what empowers you the most".

Personal empowerment is an ongoing process. Employ whomever you can to help you along the way.

If you or someone you care about has a lap band or is struggling with significant weight issues learn more about Banded Living™ by visiting, a community for lap band patients, by lap band patients.

For more about how Sandi Henderson uses her lap band to maintain a 250 lb weight loss and view the free interview " 7 Things We Wish We Had Been Told Before We Had Lap Band Surgery" visit

© 2010 Banded Living, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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How Weight Loss Surgery Saved My Life By Sandi Henderson

Has your weight bounced up and down over the years?

Are you worried about, or do you have some medical conditions that are directly related to being overweight?

I have been maintaining a 250 pound weight loss since 2006.

The following is my story of success after gastric banding surgery in 2004.

I have been fighting the fat war since I was 4 years old. I finally won the war, leaving only small skirmishes that crop up regularly. My friends tell me these little battles are what a "normal" person always deals with.

Just over five years ago, I was 424 pounds, had arthritis in my right knee, and had trouble walking across a parking lot. My asthma forced me to stop and catch my breath several times as I crossed a parking lot. I rented a scooter to be able to take my grand kids to Disneyland. I let my husband go into the market while I waited in the truck. People looked fearfully at me when I was getting on a plane, hoping I wasn't sitting next to them. I had no life and no hope.

In March 2004, at 424 pounds, I had a hypertension crisis that got my attention. To this point, my arthritis, asthma, reflux, and sleep apnea had not yet been enough to make me take notice.

I have succeeded at most everything I have tried in life -- I have a wonderful marriage of more than 40 years to my soul mate, a great daughter, four awesome grandchildren, and a successful business I built from scratch over 20 years ago. But I could NEVER get a handle on my weight for longer than five minutes.

On 5/28/2004, at 55 years old, I had life-changing, and life-saving lap band surgery. Within 28 months I had lost 250 pounds and made permanent lifestyle changes. Now, more than five years after surgery, I am holding at 175 pounds and loving it. I am off all my medications and move freely and vigorously through my new life.

With the help of this tool and a great support team I have reached a place where it is fun to go anywhere and try new things, and I actually enjoy looking at pictures of myself (well, most of the time).

The answer is unequivocally, yes,gastric banding works. The band has been the tool I have needed to help me make the permanent lifestyle changes that resulted in better health and a normal weight.!

As the old saying goes, information is power. If you are struggling with your weight, you deserve to have the information necessary you can make the best decision possible for you to have a richer life.

If you or someone you care about is struggling with significant weight issues, learn more about Banded Living™ by visiting, a community for lap band patients, by lap band patients. To learn more about how Sandi Henderson has been has been maintaining her 250 lb weight loss, click here

DISCLAIMER - This article is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice, and is not a replacement for medical care or advice given by physicians or trained medical personnel. Please review the complete Banded Living Medical Disclaimer on our website.

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Monday, January 28, 2013

Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss Surgery - To Nip and Tuck Or Not to Nip and Tuck By Sandi Henderson

Have you lost a substantial amount of weight after weight loss surgery? Do you have issues with loose, hanging skin that you would like to resolve? Are you thinking about having plastic surgery?

There I was, 250 pounds lighter after Lap-Band® surgery and enjoying my new life and freedoms. I knew I wanted plastic surgery. I was terrified, but I was tired of tucking my stomach skin into my pants and always having to buy long tops to hide it. I didn't work this hard and lose all of this weight to stay in hiding. Or did I? I was healthy and that alone was great, but I found myself really wanting to have what "normal" people had - a reasonably proportioned body.

It took me about a year to research plastic surgery options and plastic surgeons before I decided on a doctor and scheduled my first surgery. In this year I discovered that there were many things that went into the decision of who would do my plastic surgery, but I thought you would be interested in the 7 that seemed most important to me.

1. Interview several doctors. You have to know what the possibilities are before you can make a selection that works for you. This pertains to the surgeon as well as the procedure.

2. Access is important - You will require follow up care for drain removal and many post op visits, so you need to know before surgery how you will get to the doctor for follow up. It is also important to consider how you will access the doctor should you have any complications.

3. Experience with weight loss surgery patients is important. We come with our own unique challenges to plastic surgeons, so the more surgery after weight loss your selected surgeon has performed, the more familiar with our population your surgeon will be. Do not be afraid to ask how many weight loss surgery patients your doctor has experience with.

4. You must be totally comfortable with this doctor. You want someone who is compassionate, highly skilled, and available. You are entrusting your life as well as your emotional well being to this person.

5. Let your weight stabilize for at least 6 months before having surgery .I know as soon as we get close to our goal weight we want to rush right into it and get all that excess skin removed, BUT DON'T. Your body keeps shifting around even after all the excess weight is gone.

6. You want a surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, someone who has actually had their training in plastic surgery.

7. Make sure the surgeon uses an accredited facility for his surgeries, be it a hospital, outpatient surgery center or the surgeon's own office.

These guidelines can help you make a decision that you will be happy with for years to come

If you or someone you care about is struggling with significant weight issues, learn more about Banded Living™ by visiting, a community for lap band patients, by lap band patients. To learn more about how Sandi Henderson has been has been maintaining her 250 lb weight loss, click here

DISCLAIMER - This article is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice, and is not a replacement for medical care or advice given by physicians or trained medical personnel. Please review the complete Banded Living Medical Disclaimer on our website.

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Acai Berry Diet Pills - Take This Weight Loss Quiz (Acai Berry Pills Vs Other Diet Pills) By Stacey Hope

When taking weight loss pills, it is important to take the safest kind such as the acai berry diet pills. Because there are many weight loss pills and other supplements in the market today, the choices can be overwhelming especially if you don't have any idea about it.

Take this simple and easy weight loss quiz and find out which is better, the acai berry diet pills or those superstars' endorsed kind of pills?

1. When choosing the right pills that will help you lose weight you should:

a) take what your favorite actors are endorsing
b) buy the newest one in the market
c) get what your doctor prescribed to you

The right answer is letter C. There is nothing safer than to take what your doctor prescribed you. So the next time you opt for some drugs or pills, make sure to see your doctor first.

2. Pills that will help you lose extar pounds should have:

a) side effects such as palpitation, dizziness and insomnia
b) therapeutic claims
c) have all the natural but very effective ingredients

The right answer is letter C. It is important to know all the main ingredients of the drug or pills you will take. Make sure that it has all the natural weight loss ingredients that your body needs.

3. What should I expect from a this kind of pills:

a) moderate to fast results but will help you keep the weight forever
b) rapid results but will only help you keep the weight off for a couple of months
c) none of the above

The right answer is letter A. It is important that when taking drugs or pills to have moderate to fast results and keep the weight off forever than see rapid results but will gain all the weight back in just a few months.

Want more quizzes that will help you lose weight? Then...

Come and get your free acai berry and see all the benefits of this wonder fruit. Just imagine how you will look in that little black dress. So before you get left behind, get now you free acai berry now!

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Rapid Weight Loss Pills - How I Lost 20 Pounds in Only Four Weeks With Acai Berry Supplement

I'm a junior in college. In the dead of winter, when everyone was buried in layers of clothes, my friends and I decided to start saving so that we could go somewhere fun and warm for spring break. As well as saving money I knew I had to lose something- 20 pounds of extra weight - in order to have a really good time. I really wanted to look good for the beach but I had less than two months to get in shape. I did not think that was enough time and considered backing out of the trip altogether. I saw an ad for a rapid weight loss pill; it was an Acai Berry supplement and figuring I had nothing to lose so I ordered a free trial bottle.

Could I Lose the Weight that Fast? 

The information on the back of the bottle said that the pills would boost my energy and help me eat less by suppressing my appetite. I wasn't sure that they would work, I'd tried drinking "diet" teas and juices in the past and they had not produced any results. But I had a good feeling about this Acai Berry Supplement.

Twenty Pounds in Four Weeks

The rapid weight loss pills were different. I really did seem to have more energy once I began taking them and I could go all day without ever thinking about food. In fact I had to remind myself to eat, to avoid starving myself completely! In four weeks I shed an amazing twenty pounds and looked great in the bikini I bought for my trip. Now I just can't wait to hit the beach to show off the slim new me!

Are you ready to melt away the fat and turbocharge your metabolism? Then Click Here to get the lean sexy body you've always wanted. Lose up to 30 pounds in 30 days with this fast and easy Acai Berry weight loss plan. Act now and get your FREE trial today!

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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Acai Berry Weight Loss Formula - Myths and Facts About Weight Loss

Acai berry weight loss formula is one of the most in demand supplements in the market today. If you are serious in losing weight then grab this and find out for yourself.

Shedding excess pounds is not that easy. You need discipline and self-control in order for you to get the best results. Sometimes you tend to fail because of all those mouth watering temptations surrounding you. So to help you out resolve your weight dilemma, I gathered some myths and facts that will surely help you shed pounds fast.

Here are the myths and facts that might help you achieve that hour glass figure in as little as 3 days!

Myth #1: The stronger your supplement is the more you will surely lose pounds fast!

Fact: This myth may be true but did you know that it can actually harm your body? Strong diet pills can bring and cause you some health issues. If you will take these strong pills, you will surely experience palpitation, shortness of breath, dizziness and even untimely death.

But with acai berry weight loss formula, you will not only shed pounds but you will also help cleanse your body from the inside.

Myth #2: Skipping meals can bring you rapid weight loss

Fact: Skipping meals will only make you feel hungrier at the end of the day which will surely results to more food cravings! Never skip meals if you want to burn fat fast.

Take these myths and facts at heart and soon you'd be wearing your favorite bikinis!

But don't go yet! I still have one more surprise for you and all you have to do is to...

test our inclusive acai berry formula and lose pounds in as little as 3 days! Just imagine how you will look in three days time...sexier and healthier! So what are you waiting for? Grab our free acai berry now!

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Green Tea Weight Loss - How to Shed Those Pounds Safely and Easily With Green Tea

I was never a fat child, in fact right up until I had children I was slim and healthy. I used to spend my spare time at the gym or exercising at home so my weight was not something I ever really thought about. I was happy with the way I looked. Then after I got married I fell pregnant with twins and everything changed. Of course I put on the usual "baby" weight but it was more than that. Whilst caring from my twins I had no way to prepare healthy meals and no time for the gym. By the time the twins were 3 I had put on quite a lot of weight and knew I had to make a change.

I came across Green Tea 

I came across a green tea weight loss website online that listed all the benefits of drinking green tea. This tea aids weight loss as it speeds up your metabolism and stops fat from being absorbed into your body. As well as speeding up weight loss it has many other health benefits. It helps to improve your immune system and gives you healthier skin. It is also said to contain power anti oxidants which fight cancer.

I'm not sure I have time for weight loss 
The great thing about this green tea is that it takes no time to prepare at all. Simply swap your usual tea or coffee daily intake for green tea. I try and drink at least 4 cups each day. 
Sound good? 

I noticed the effect almost immediately. Straight away my skin and hair looked better and I had more energy. After a few weeks I noticed that my jeans became baggy again and I no longer had to squeeze myself in. I'm now back to my "pre baby" weight. I have more energy and generally feel better. My twins have benefited as I am now healthy enough to be able to run around with them without feeling breathless. It's all thanks to that first green tea weight loss website I stumbled upon.

For a limited time you can get a FREE trial of the Acai Berry diet plan that worked for me. Click Here to lose 30 pounds in 30 days now!

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Acai Berry Weight Loss Formula - 3 Most Risky Diet Tricks You Should Never Do!

If you want to lose weight safely, then you should settle for a safer formula such as the acai berry weight loss formula. As we all know, there are lots of ways to lose weight but what we don't know is that there are certain ways that can be very risky.

As a matter of fact, most people are tricked in believing that these ways are the most effective and fastest ways to lose weight. But in truth, it can harm their body and if use for a long time can even lead to untimely death!

Here are the 3 most risky diet tricks you should never do, ever!

Trick #1: By skipping one or two of your meals, you will surely maximize your weight loss results.


 Skipping meals can make you feel hungrier than ever. This means you will surely crave for more foods that are both high in sugar and calorie content.

Conclusion: You will surely gain more pounds more than you expected!

Trick #2: Take strong diet pills for rapid weight loss.

Result: Strong diet pills usually have phentermine on it. Phentermine is a strong drug ingredient that has several bad side effects.

Conclusion: Frequently rapid weight loss only means one thing-gaining more weight in a very short time.

Trick #3: Spend hours after hours working out in the gym.

Result: Over exercising will surely left you burn out. Once your body used all its energy, you will tend to crave for foods that are high in sodium and sugar.

Conclusion: You will surely pig out from one bag of chips to another.

Now you are prepare to lose weight the safer way and this can be done with the help of acai berry weight loss formula. But hold on! I have one more gift for you. I'm offering this just for you! Simply...

Check this out and grab our inclusive acai berry diet that will not only help you lose weight fast but I promise, there will be no other harmful side effects. So, grab your free acai berry now before supplies last!

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Fastest and Ultimate Weight Loss Tip - The Only Weight Loss Tip You Ever Need

Did you know that you can lose a lot of weight with just one weight loss tip? You heard me right! I'm sure you have tried lots of diet plans, weight loss tips and even bought several exercise equipment but still get the same results, right? Worry not, for in this single tip, you will surely lose a lot of weight in as fast as two days!
Now tell me is there anything more exciting than this?

As we all know, losing weight can sometime be frustrating and disappointing especially if we always get the same results. Endless hours spent in gym, super drastic diet plan and such but none of it worked right. But you don't have to waste your time on this kind of weight loss tips. You only need one thing to help you lose those ugly fats forever and that is to...


This habit will not only help your body replenish and rejuvenate but it can also help get rid all the toxins off your system. Water will also make you feel fuller faster! It is advisable to drink one glass of water in the morning to perk up your metabolism.

The faster your metabolism works, the more you will burn those excess fats off your body!
Try to alternate your soda habit with more water habit. This will not only make your skin smoother and free from blemishes but it will also help hydrate it. You don't have to spend more money in any diet pills because all you need is just eight or ten glasses of water a day to lose weight fast!

Now tell me, how would you like to see yourself in that body hugging shirt? Then all you need to do is to...

Get our free acai berry to know all the right stuff in losing weight. Believe me, all you need is to check this free plan and you are on your way to losing those excess pounds off your body forever!

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Most Shocking Weight Loss Diet - The Only Weight Loss Diet You Need By Stacey Hope

There are different kinds of weight loss diet out there but this one is the best! Imagine all you have to do is to follow two simple and very easy tips and in just a few days you will surely drop two to three sizes of your dress! Now tell me is there anything out there that is more exciting about this? Of, course, there is nothing more like this!

Losing weight should not be a burden. Losing those excess pounds should be just like a carousel ride! Fun, exciting and rewarding! What even make these weight loss diet myths and facts shocking is that you can easily do it without an extra effort! So simple and easy you can whistle down your way to losing more weight in no time.



The main key to losing weight is to eat more fruits and veggies. These food groups will not only make you healthier but it will also make you feel less hungry! All you have to do is to include these foods in your daily diet and in just a few days, you will surely see great results on your figure!



Tell your sweet tooth to stop craving for sweets treats from now on and settle for healthier alternatives. Instead of devouring dozens of chocolate bars why not go for something light but will make you feel full such as oatmeal bar. Treats doesn't have to be so sweet especially if will only ruin your diet.

If you want to see a new you and so tired of trying useless and ineffective weight loss diet then...

Simply click acai berry hope to get your free eating plan. The most effective eating plan that will help you loses all those ugly fats off your body in a few days!

If you really want to see a new you, then you need to check the link below for the free eating plan. You'd lose all those excess weights in no time!

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Extreme Weight Loss - How to Lose Weight Safely Without Endangering Your Health

I was always a big child - big boned my mum used to say. When I was younger I didn't realize that it was the massive portions of sausages and chips, spaghetti bolognaise and roast dinners were the cause of my large frame. As I got older the bad habits I had picked up as a child continued and right through university my love of all things bad for me carried on. I didn't realize really until it was too late exactly how big I had become. I was always the loud, confident one. I didn't really have any problems dating guys and generally I was happy. However when I became breathless walking up the stairs and was constantly tired I knew I had to try something.

Drastic Measures 

I decided that as I needed extreme weight loss I would do something more than "eat healthy". I wanted something that would encourage the weight to drop off quickly. I wanted to see results straight away. I had a look online at the different options available to me.

Extreme Weight Loss Options 

One of the major ones that seemed to be a good idea was surgery. A gastric bypass helps decrease your stomach. This means you feel full up so much quicker and as a result eat less. The problem with surgery is that it comes with risks and this is not something that I was willing to undertake.

I looked into and eventually decided to try an Acai Berry diet plan. Basically I simply took 2 small pills each day with my morning and evening meals. These were a great addition to my normal required calories, vitamins, nutrition and all my other daily requirements and they suppressed my diet.


It was easier than I first imagined. I had tried diets and fads before but never been able to stick at anything. This time seemed easier. I didn't even need to think about food. I quickly saw results and my results lasted.

I am now literally half the person I once was! I am down to a normal weight and I feel great!

Are you ready to melt away the fat and turbocharge your metabolism? Then Click Here to get the lean sexy body you've always wanted. Lose up to 30 pounds in 30 days with this fast and easy Acai Berry weight loss plan. Act now and get your FREE trial today!

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Christian Weight Loss - the Secrets to Losing Weight Through Prayer By Stacey Hope

I have never been a skinny person but I was never fat either. Or so I thought. Then when I was shopping one day I realized that I was shopping for size 12 jeans, when I had once been a size eight. It was then that I could see just how fat and terribly sloppy I had become. I certainly wanted to lose the weight but I did not know how to get started. I had seen so many different so called plans that all seemed to be a total let down and did not wan to waste my time.

Looking for help

I go to church every Sunday, I have all my life. I consider myself a good Christian person. And it was from another member of my church that I found my weight loss "miracle". She told me about the diet plan she followed, called the Christian diet plan. I had never heard of such a thing, it was almost laughable. But my friend convinced me to give it a try. I figured why not I mean I'd already tried everything else without any success.
The Power of Prayer and Common Sense 

Although I was skeptical I followed the Christian weight loss program and not only did I gain insight into my own spirituality but I did indeed lose twenty pounds in just eight short weeks. The plan uses common sense and the power of prayer and faith to reprogram your eating habits, meaning the weight stays off for good, and does not come back.

Are you ready to melt away the fat and turbocharge your metabolism? Then Click Here to get the lean sexy body you've always wanted. Lose up to 30 pounds in 30 days with this fast and easy Acai Berry weight loss plan. Act now and get your FREE trial today!

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Best Wight Loss Pill - Lose 26 Pounds in 30 Days With This Amazingly Simple Weight Loss Plan

In my quest to lose weight I must have tried every diet that was ever created. Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, you name it I have probably tried it. Because they were so rigid I was never able to stick to any of them. I had almost given up hope of ever being slim when I heard about the best weight loss pill out there.

One Little Pill Packs A Lot of Power 

I could hardly believe that what the bottle said could be true. Eat a sensible diet, exercise 30 minutes a day and take 2 pills, one in the morning and one at bedtime. It said that these tiny little pills would increase my energy levels, speed my metabolism, suppress my appetite and help my body burn fat faster. Given all my previous failures I didn't hold out much hope, but anything is worth a try once..

At last something that Really Works!

Much to my surprise I felt different after taking the pills for just a few days I could feel a difference. I really did have more energy, and within a week I had lost 5 pounds. I did not feel the need for an afternoon snack; I just did not feel hungry. The pills are not very expensive and I have lost 26 pounds in 4 weeks. Who would ever have believed that two little pills a day could possibly make such a difference, but every time I look in the mirror believe me I can tell you, they really do.

Are you ready to melt away the fat and turbocharge your metabolism? Then Click Here to get the lean sexy body you've always wanted. Lose up to 30 pounds in 30 days with this fast and easy Acai Berry weight loss plan. Act now and get your FREE trial today!

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Quick Weight Loss Tips That Will Help You Lose 27 Pounds in 30 Days

I was just a few pounds overweight but it still drove me crazy that I could not fit into the skinny jeans that are all the rage. With summer coming up I longed to swap my boring one piece for a slinky bikini so I began to look around for some quick weight loss tips to help me shed that unwanted baggage.

Avoiding the Fads

I came across advertisements for all kinds of "quick weight loss" diets but I knew that were all far too hard for me to follow. Drink juice and eat crackers for a week? Sure I might lose some quick weight if I could stick to that, but who wants to live that way?

Real Quick Weight Loss Tips

I did finally come across some real advice that works, and that made sense. I found out that drinking green tea really does help you burn calories 3-5 times faster and that the more fruits and veggies you eat the more weight you'll lose, as the body burns more calories when breaking down these foods. Drinking tea and adding more fruit to my diet, that wasn't too hard.

Ready for the Beach

By following sensible quick weight loss tips like these I managed to shed the stubborn pounds and lost 27 pounds in less than 30 days. I was in shape and ready for the beaches. Just by making a few easy tweaks in my everyday habits I was finally able to buy the cute little bikini I had my eye on for so long and feel good about wearing it in public.

For a limited time you can get a FREE trial of the Acai Berry diet plan that worked for me. Click Here to lose 30 pounds in 30 days now!

Article Source:

Friday, January 25, 2013

Diet For Weight Loss - How to Eat More and Still Lose Weight Everyday By Stacey Hope

Many people try hundreds of different diets every year in attempt to lose unwanted pounds. Some people have great success with a certain diet while others fail spectacularly on the same plan. The key to a diet for weight loss success is finding one that you can stick to.

Different Strokes for different Folks.

Some people find it easy to follow the kind of strict diets that require you to change your eating habits completely, they have enough willpower and determination to banish bread products from their daily diet, or give up red meat in favor of fish. Most of us do not though, and these kinds of restrictive plans just do not work, they are just too hard to stick with.

Change Your Habits For Life
Perhaps the best diet for weight loss is to simply eat better. Certain foods are not only low in calories but they actually help you lose weight too. Incorporating these "super foods" into your diet can really help.

What are the Super foods?
Forget what you have heard in the past, eggs are good for you. In a recent study women who ate toast and jelly with an egg every morning for breakfast lost twice as much weight as women who just ate the toast and jelly. Salmon is great for flabby abs, researchers say that the high levels of omega 3 it contains help build muscle and decrease belly fat. Who would have guessed that you can eat more and still lose weight?

Are you ready to melt away the fat and turbocharge your metabolism? Then Click Here to get the lean sexy body you've always wanted. Lose up to 30 pounds in 30 days with this fast and easy Acai Berry weight loss plan. Act now and get your FREE trial today!

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Best Exercise For Weight Loss - Powerful Workouts That Actually Burn Calories Fast!

Have you heard about the best exercise for weight loss? Did you know that by doing this you can actually burn more calories? Excited? Then get all the details below...

If you want to lose weight fast then you need to stay active and when I say about stay active, you need to have a regular exercise that will help you burn those unhealthy pounds. So to help you get started, I gathered some of the most powerful workouts that will definitely help you sweat out those ugly excess pounds in as little as 3 days!

Here are the workouts you can choose from:

1. Aerobics

Love dancing? Love those hip-hop beats? Then go for aerobics! This will not only help you burn calories fast but it can also help tones your muscles. Since this workout involves the movements of every part of the body, you will surely sweat out in a couple of minutes.

2. Swimming

Why not tone those arms and legs in the water? Swimming is one of the best cardio workouts ever. You may not feel the perspiration on your skin but you will surely feels your heartbeat and your pulse rate kicking hard.

You don't have to spend an hour doing those powerful strokes. A few laps for fifteen to thirty minutes every day will do you good. In just a few days you will surely see some improvements on your body. Believe me!

3. Walking

You might think that walking is not as powerful and hard pumping as those I mentioned above, right? But this is the only kind of exercise most people can do especially those who have hectic schedules.

Get up and get moving! Burn those pounds now!

Now to keep you wearing those dancing shoes, I have one more surprise for you...

Take advantage of our unique and amazing acai berry diet and lose up to 5 pounds in as little as 5 days! Forget doing those strenuous work outs! Simply get our acai berry diet plan today!

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How to Lose Weight in a Week Starting Today Using These 2 Surprisingly Simple Tips

So maybe you've got a hot date or perhaps you're simply tired of the extra pounds around the midsection and simply need those excess pounds gone NOW.

Maybe it's simply time for a new YOU and you just need the extra push to kick-start your weight loss program and finally get rid of those unsightly and downright disgusting flabby sights of fat.

So How to Lose Weight in a Week Starting Today?

Let's look at the two areas everyone suffers from that you can immediately tackle.

1. Water retention.

Your body actually stores water in reserves which by the way was very useful to us when our ancestors were hunters on the plains thousands of years ago. The problem is that in our modern society we really don't need that reserve anymore. It's the same way with extra fat that most people just can't seem to get rid of. This is simply our body doing what it was designed to do to keep us alive as early humans.

So how do you get your body retrained to give up this water reserve?

Simple you actually need to consume more water daily. Drinking up to 8 full glasses of water a day does more than simply keep your organs hydrated and flushes extra toxins. It actually allows your body to get accustom to a ready supply of water and so your body will realize there's no need to hold on to the extra reserve.

So drinking 8 full glasses of water each day will allow you to lose between 4 to 6 pounds of water weight within 5 days.

2. Keep your colon waste free.

It's amazing just how many people have never performed any kind of colon cleansing regimen.

Listen, at any given time your colon has between 6 to 12 pounds of trapped and putrid waste stuck within it. Now this might not be a pretty picture but hey there it is. Colon cleansing is a must to remove this excess fecal matter which by the way also is extremely toxic to your body in general.

Now there are several ways to clean your colon naturally. Drinking more water is always a good start. You can also start eating more foods rich in fiber and make sure to consume both soluble and insoluble fiber. The latter is what really helps to scrape the colon walls to remove excess waste. You can also try a few of the trusted colon cleansing products you can find at your local health store.

These two things are within your reach right now and you don't need anything fancy to get started. Simply start a regimen of getting enough water each day and start a serious colon cleansing regimen. With these two tips you can easily start losing 5 to 10 pounds within the next week.

Now, if you're already doing the above 2 tips great, but if you find that you still need more help in getting rid of those few last stubborn pounds then I suggest you try what I did. I lost 23 pounds in 15 days using this simple system and you can too. Click Here [] to check out how I did it.

Listen most people looking to lose weight are simply making things more difficult than they need to be. If you don't want to be a part of that crowd then simply check out this resource on how to lose weight safely and naturally [].

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Weight Loss Diet - The Top 3 Reasons Why You Fail Miserably at Losing Weight

Weight Loss Diet information has never been as easy to access as it is today. Basically everywhere you turn online there's a coach or marketer that has a system that will show you how to lose weight.

But wait a second and ask yourself What's wrong with this picture?

I mean let's assume that all the information and systems out there about weight loss and dieting are 100 percent correct and will work. Then the question really is: should you be implementing all these tactics yourself?

And even more importantly what then is the missing ingredient? I mean if everything works then...

Why the hell are you still overweight?

Well here are the Top 3 reasons why you're probably still overweight even with all this great information available to you:

1. You really are not ready to lose weight - Yes I said it and it's the truth. You simply are not ready to lose weight. You might desire or want to look better BUT you aren't really READY to lose weight. You first need to find a big enough WHY to lose weight before you can really begin the process of losing weight.

Ask yourself when things get rough on your weight loss journey and you decide to quit...What will be the one thing that will get you back on track? This is your WHY and without it you will always fail at losing weight.

2. Whose holding you accountable? - Like all great endeavors you need someone in your corner who will keep you on track and who can help you to keep true to your goal of losing weight. That can be a spouse or a weight loss support group or an online support team etc. BUT you will need someone who can push you along the way when you stumble and believe me you will stumble.

3. Have you chosen the right system? - Yes there might be tons of programs out there that claim they will help you lose weight but ask yourself are they really all right for YOU? It does not matter if you have number 1 and 2 above nailed if you're using the wrong diet system.

Believe me I've been down that road and I can tell you that when I needed to lose 30 pounds nothing worked for me until I found the weight loss system that was just right for me.

Yes I too had to first get to number 1 and 2 above but once I did I still had major problems losing the weight until I discovered just how simple losing weight really is once you know what needs to be done.

And my reward for this was nothing short of amazing as I was able to lose over 23 pounds in 18 days. Click Here [] to learn the secret to my success now.

Listen, losing weight is not complicated unless like 96% of dieters out there you're simply going down the wrong path. I suggest that you really get your WHY in place and decide who you want in your corner and then check out the diet program that worked for me.

I can't promise you the world here but then again why would I want to?

What I can promise you is that if you're looking to lose 10, 20, 30 or more pounds and need something that truly works and is simple and safe then this is for you []

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Celebrity Weight Loss - The Secrets to How Most Hollywood Starlets Lose Weight By Stacey Hope

Everywhere you look today you can read, hear and see celebrity weight loss stories. Celebrity magazines and websites are packed full of stories on the latest celebrity weight loss story. Often you will read one week about a celebrity that has gained weight and then the next how they lost it. Celebrities are too fat, too thin; too weight obsessed or not worried about their weight enough. Many celebrities are quite secretive about their weight fluctuations, not wanting to comment on what tricks they have used to gain weight.

The Kirsty Alley Story

Kirsty Alley's story has been well documented all over the world. The fact that she had gained so much weight since her time in TV service "Cheers" was something that the whole word seemed interested in. At her highest she weighed over 220 pounds. She documented her weight loss (via Jenny Craig's method) very publicly and quickly dropped down to less than 150 pounds. Once she stopped using this method she put back on the weight almost straight away.

I Want A Body Like Beyonce! 

One of the most loved celebrity bodies is Beyonce. Her curvy body and well documented love of food is one of the reasons the ex destiny child singer is so popular. She is well documented about her love of food - But remember she spends hours a day dancing. This proves that exercise is the key to a celebrity body.

Lose Weight with a Celebrity

There are 100s of celebrity weight loss DVD's to choose from. I would not necessarily just choose your favorite celebrity. Try and see which celebrity lost weight & toned up, and look at which ones have kept off the weight before you decide which celebrity weight loss plan you are going to follow.

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Four Misinterpretations of Operation Pull Your Own Weight By Rick Osbourne

One common misinterpretation of Operation Pull Your Own Weight is that we claim "conventional pull ups are the best exercise for kids who want to lose weight." Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact overweight kids are generally unable to do pull ups, and they burn very few calories when compared to aerobic exercises like walking, running, biking, or swimming. For a variety of reasons, any one of these will burn significantly more calories than pull ups, and thus are much better exercises for kids who need to lose weight.

A Simple Way to Distinguish

On the other hand, the sheer difficulty of doing conventional pull ups makes them valuable in terms of their ability to help kids learn to avoid obesity. In other words, kids who can do pull ups are never obese. So, if we start 'em young, before they've had a chance to gain much excess weight, and help them learn to do pull ups, we have an incredibly simple and cost effective way to naturally immunize kids against obesity for life, as long as they maintain the ability.

We recognize that excess weight undermines anyone's ability to do pull ups. The bar is acutely aware of excess weight and it denies its carriers the success that all kids crave. But if kids actually need to lose weight in order to do pull ups we fully endorse activities like walking, biking, swimming, etc, because of their accessibility, and their calorie burning capacities. However you slice it, pull up bars automatically pay for fat loss in the form of improved performance.

A Preventative Not a Rehab Strategy

Used correctly, Operation Pull Your Own Weight is a preventative, not a rehabilitative strategy. To reiterate, if you start them early, the odds of most kids learning to do pull ups in a predictable amount of time, and immunizing themselves against obesity for life, are very good. But if you wait until junior high or high school, when they've developed bad eating habits, sedentary lifestyles, and excess weight, the job becomes much harder. In this instance an ounce of prevention is worth ten tons of cure.

Just Because Kids Can't do Pull Ups...

Misinterpretation number two is, "we imply that all kids who are unable to do pull ups are obese. Again, nothing could be further from the truth. It's entirely possible for a child to be super skinny and still be unable to do pull ups due to a lack of upper body pulling strength. All we claim is that kids who can do pull ups are never obese. It's a practical, cost effective, functional acid test, nothing more and nothing less.

The Only Qualified Exercise

Misinterpretation number three is that we claim "the conventional pull up is the only exercise that qualifies as a functional acid test for avoiding obesity. This isn't the case.

Here's a brief list of other exercises that qualify: dips, hand stand push ups, super man push ups, sissy squats (if done without bending at the hips), a seven minute mile, a 30 inch vertical jump, and that's just for starters. What we are saying is that learning to do pull ups requires very little space, budget, or expertise, and it compliments the phrase Pull Your Own Weight like no other. For those reasons we focus on pull ups.

It's Not a Full Blown Fitness Program

Misinterpretation number four is that we claim "pull ups constitute a full blown exercise program." We've never made such a claim. We do claim that pull ups are a simple, practical, and cost effective functional acid test that has value if used correctly. Those who criticize Operation Pull Your Own Weight for being less than a full blown fitness program are missing its greatest strength...sheer simplicity. Avoiding these four common misinterpretations will help anyone who's interested in preventing childhood obesity understand the program in a more accurate light.

Rick Osbourne is a Chicago based writer who currently serves as Executive Director of Operation Pull Your Own Weight, an informational web site that's dedicated to naturally immunizing kids against obesity for a lifetime, and to eliminating childhood obesity within one decade or less. If you're interested in childhood obesity prevention, then check out or any time.

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