Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My Weight Loss Plans Are Not Working By Karen Li

Are you one of those who can't seem to lose weight? Well, this means that whatever you are doing is not the best way for you. It is time for an alternative weight loss plan.

So, what could have gone wrong? Why are you not losing weight?

One of the likely reasons could be due to medical reasons. If you are suffering from hypothyroidism problem (thyroid gland not secreting enough of the hormones that control metabolism), insulin resistance or adrenal exhaustion, then it will affect your weight loss. Checking with your personal physician before you start your diet or physical exercise routine will ensure that you are not suffering from any illness that can affect your desire to lose weight.

If indeed that is the reason, then addressing your medical problem might just result in losing weight without much effort on your part.

Another common reason is lack of sleep. When you are continuously getting inadequate sleep, your body produces more of the hormone that stimulates appetite and less of the hormone that controls metabolism. You are constantly searching for food to satisfy your hunger cravings

Another common reason is emotional eating. It was reported that emotional eating affects as much as 75% of overeating. That is pretty high! Stress, depressed, anxiety; all can lead to emotional eating problem. If you can just control your emotions or refrain from eating every time you have your ups and downs, then, bingo, your pounds might just start to drop.

Maybe you can satisfy your emotional needs using other more beneficial methods other than eating. Maybe you can try listening to some soothing music or perhaps going out for a walk. Getting your hands involve in some activities may well just get your mind off food. Medical care might be needed for those suffering from extreme anxiety disorders.

You could also be following the wrong weight loss plan. Are you emphasizing on diet with minimum physical workouts or is it the other way round? Then just switch plans. Where previously you were focusing on dieting, now do more exercises. Make it cardiovascular exercises to benefit your heart and lungs. You can take up walking, running, elliptical training, aerobics and swimming to name but a few. No time to attend exercise classes? Then buy a home treadmill or other fitness equipment and do your workouts from home whenever you are free.

However, do not stop the diet plans. They are essential too. You can't just exercise and then eat whatever you like. Exercise and diet complements each other to help you reach your ideal weight.

Different people react differently to certain plans. Find out which give you better results and stick to your plans. Most important is not to give up and you will eventually get the body shape you desire. You will also be much healthier.

Recommended exercise routine done at home include running on a treadmill or low impact exercise by doing elliptical workouts.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karen_Li

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