Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Yoga for Weight Loss and Gaining Shape

Are you suffering from obesity? Are you a victim of over weight? Is your body shapeless? Do you want to give a proper and aesthetic look to your figure? Is answer to any of these questions is right, then I'm sure you would be looking at various crash diet, fitness center, diet plan or similar other expensive means of shedding some weight.

Getting rid of the excess Weight is not as big a problem as it is perceived. Most of the overweight people do not have the right attitude or they are not in the correct frame of mind while losing their weight. Most of the people who wish to shed some weight think weight loss is a onetime mission to accomplish and once they have achieved this goal, there's no need to continue their regular exercise schedule to maintain the weight. Many of these overweight people find it difficult to sustain the loss and 75% of them regain the lost weight. Most of these people who thought their efforts went in vain stated that continue going to fitness center was either not desirable, or not affordable, or was not fun anymore.

The overweight or obese people usually explore all the means that gives the results quick, in a very short period of time. However, not many of these fleshy people have not explored the power of yoga. Yoga, as a myth is known for slow and steady reduction in weight loss. Dietitians and fitness center trainers would advise that if one follows yoga for may be 4-5 years then one can see the results. However, I'll reiterate it's a myth.

Yoga is extremely useful and quick for losing weight if done regularly and under the supervision of a yoga expert. There are certain aasanaas (exercises) in yoga through which the results can be seen almost daily. With certain other aasanaas the shedding and the inches loss can be seen within a week or 10 days. Yoga is definitely an effective way of healthy living. With yoga, the body is directed in the right mind frame for losing weight and then it's very simple and quick to lose weight. The breathing pattern helps a lot in losing weight in yoga. A person should practice yoga everyday for around 45 minutes under the supervision and he can definitely see a reduction in those extra fats or kilos.

Yoga is not only effective for losing weight, but also for living a healthy and content life. People who follow yoga say that yoga helps them to be happy, think positive, stay calm even in worst of the situations, stay composed when sky is falling, energetic and healthy living.

Sophia is a professional writer and a Journalist. You can find more articles written by her regarding Diabetes weight loss from http://www.diabetesdietplan.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sophia_Edward

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