Saturday, February 9, 2013

How to Tighten Sagging Skin After Weight Loss

Losing weight has great benefits not just for your physical body but also to the quality of your life. However, some people may encounter sagging skin right after they lost their weight.

But sagging skin should not stop you from losing weight. Remember, sagging skin can be prevented if you only knew how to deal with your skin while losing weight.

The most important thing to remember to avoid sagging skin is to prevent drastic weight loss. Those diet fads that promise you to lose weight quickly can be bad for your health. Those programs that promise you to lose weight in 5 to 7 days can really be tempting however, if it is extreme, It may lead to dehydration of your body and your skin. Dehydration of skin may result to lose of elasticity, which may lead to sagging skin.

Likewise, rapid weight loss may not give enough time to your skin to adjust to your new body frame. The ideal weight loss is just one or two pounds a week, this will prevent sagging skin in the future.

Then, to tighten skin, applying moisturizer is required. A good moisturizer may add 70% of moisture to the skin. This is important because as you lose weight, the moisture is needed to keep elasticity of the skin, so as the body shrinks, the skin will also follow.

Drinking multivitamins is also another way to tighten the skin. We know that cutting too much calories may prevent us from getting all the nutrients needed by our skin. Taking a multivitamins, which include vitamin A, C and E as well as other vitamins like B-complex, may do wonders for your skin.

Finding a multivitamins, which also include copper and zinc, may also boost healthy skin.

Aside from multivitamins, drinking lots of water is also important. Drinking eight glasses of water daily also maintain the moisture of your skin. It also aid in flushing out the toxin of the skin making your skin appears more healthier.

Caffeinated beverages are not included in drinking water. Beverages that contain caffeine are diuretic, thus, causing your body to lose more water from your system.

Another way to tighten skin is to use weights in your exercise. Even though you already lost a significant weight, it is still important that you lift weight. Using weights can build more muscle, which can really plump your skin. This process will make your skin appear tighter.

In the end, exercising will also guarantee that you will not regain back the weight that you already lost.
To know more how to tighten skin after weight loss, visit
Weightism is an online community that help people achieved their weight loss goals

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Skinny On Subliminal Weight Loss By Greg Frost

Subliminal weight loss is possible in this day and age. A lot of effort has been put into making sure that products which use the subconscious technology to lose weight are manufactured as well. A huge number of skinny people, who were once struggling with being overweight or obese, can now be found. Moreover, these are people who have used the subconscious mind to develop mechanisms and strategies through which to lose weight and stay fit. The messages developed here, are geared towards reprogramming the mind to the possibility of weight loss.

Subliminal weight loss is effective in the sense that it uses what people have in plenty to achieve these results, using the subconscious mind. Rather than encouraging people to look for resources with which to buy equipments or tools for weight loss, it simply takes advantage of the subconscious. This method ensures that people who find dieting or exercising to not be their cup of tea, now have an alternative. Excessive weight is responsible for a number of health problems. If there is one extra strategy through which to eliminate this problem from people's lives, that is better.

The messages used in subliminal weight loss programs are designed to help promote healthy lifestyles. One of these is to encourage any person embarking on this venture to love fruits. These messages are meant to help you decide on the need for developing proper and healthy eating habits. A person is encouraged to embrace fitness, vitality, in addition to inner contentment. These messages will address matters to do with your physiology as well. The message is designed to help you develop healthy behavior, which speeds up any weight loss.

The mind has the ability to internalize things which you may not be able to recall and thrust you in the path of being overweight. If you take the time, you may finally remember what drove you into this kind of life. Once you find out what it is that is responsible for thrusting you into such a life, subliminal weight loss messages can be used to reprogram your mind. As soon as your mind has been reprogrammed, it is easier to abandon certain aspects of your life, which cause you to be overweight. Get these messages, and listen to them if you are struggling with weight issues.

Subliminal weight loss programs are effective. They will set you off on the path towards embracing a better lifestyle. You will not need to struggle with a lifestyle that seems to take you towards weight gain than your body can handle. As a matter of fact, it's easier to walk in freedom if you find that you had embraced behaviors in the past which only made you struggle with being excessively stout. Once you find victory in this area, continue to listen to the messages and keep yourself in the right frame of mind which means you're never at threat of being obese ever again in your life. That is the essence of these subliminal weight-loss programs.

Click Here to get your Free 'Secret Success Package' and transform your life in amazing ways!

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Yoga for Weight Loss and Gaining Shape

Are you suffering from obesity? Are you a victim of over weight? Is your body shapeless? Do you want to give a proper and aesthetic look to your figure? Is answer to any of these questions is right, then I'm sure you would be looking at various crash diet, fitness center, diet plan or similar other expensive means of shedding some weight.

Getting rid of the excess Weight is not as big a problem as it is perceived. Most of the overweight people do not have the right attitude or they are not in the correct frame of mind while losing their weight. Most of the people who wish to shed some weight think weight loss is a onetime mission to accomplish and once they have achieved this goal, there's no need to continue their regular exercise schedule to maintain the weight. Many of these overweight people find it difficult to sustain the loss and 75% of them regain the lost weight. Most of these people who thought their efforts went in vain stated that continue going to fitness center was either not desirable, or not affordable, or was not fun anymore.

The overweight or obese people usually explore all the means that gives the results quick, in a very short period of time. However, not many of these fleshy people have not explored the power of yoga. Yoga, as a myth is known for slow and steady reduction in weight loss. Dietitians and fitness center trainers would advise that if one follows yoga for may be 4-5 years then one can see the results. However, I'll reiterate it's a myth.

Yoga is extremely useful and quick for losing weight if done regularly and under the supervision of a yoga expert. There are certain aasanaas (exercises) in yoga through which the results can be seen almost daily. With certain other aasanaas the shedding and the inches loss can be seen within a week or 10 days. Yoga is definitely an effective way of healthy living. With yoga, the body is directed in the right mind frame for losing weight and then it's very simple and quick to lose weight. The breathing pattern helps a lot in losing weight in yoga. A person should practice yoga everyday for around 45 minutes under the supervision and he can definitely see a reduction in those extra fats or kilos.

Yoga is not only effective for losing weight, but also for living a healthy and content life. People who follow yoga say that yoga helps them to be happy, think positive, stay calm even in worst of the situations, stay composed when sky is falling, energetic and healthy living.

Sophia is a professional writer and a Journalist. You can find more articles written by her regarding Diabetes weight loss from

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Menopause Diet - Ways to Stop Menopausal Weight Gain

Nowadays, there are lots of expensive supplements and therapy, which can help to relief menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and weight gain in the market. However, compare to spending money on the latest menopause treatments, simply maintain healthy weight will be more effective on treating these symptoms of menopause. Latest studies have proven that taking the right nutrients and changing diet behavior is one of the best ways to stop menopausal weight gain.

Menopausal Weight Gain

Generally, menopause involves a battle with weight gain due to estrogen level decrease, and the fat will moves from hips down to the belly. As your body's estrogen level reduced, your metabolism will slow down, and this may lead to loss of bone mass. Moreover, these physical changes on a menopausal woman will directly increase the opportunity to get high blood pressure and heart disease.

Controlling diet and changing eating behavior is a simple method to prevent menopausal weight gain. Food as a natural solution can help to reduce the symptoms of menopause effectively. Studies have shown that rather than just eating less to create negative energy balance, taking good foods or nutrient is more effective for a long-term weight loss. loss.

Changing Your Dietary Patterns

Some researchers claimed that by changing dietary patterns, it could help in maintaining long-term weight loss for post-menopausal women. For most menopausal women, the behavior changes like increase taking of nutritional foods and reduces dessert consumption will help to lose weight and remain a healthy weight after 48 months. Even, there is also strong evidence proven that dietary changes are more effective than medications or treatments to ease menopause symptoms.

By taking healthy diet not only provide your body with essential nutrients however it may help in balancing hormones and improve mood. Most plant foods provide phytochemicals such as Phytoestrogens which structurally just like estrogen and act as weak estrogen hormone in your body. These phytochemicals will influence your body and thinking it has more estrogen than it really does and may ease some of the menopause symptoms.

If you have put on excessive weight during menopause, it could be something wrong with your eating habits or hormone levels. You need to consult your doctor on this particular issue if your menopause symptoms seem overwhelming. Besides, taking vitamins and nutrients can help you feel better and establish healthy habits that will serve you well for the rest of your life.

Grace K Lam, who has studies various medical studies and manage to beat menopause naturally, willing to share her experience through website where you can get Free Report and Useful Information about Menopause and Menopause Diet.

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Social, Cultural, and Economic Impacts of Obesity and Recent Trends

The prevalence of obesity has increased dramatically in the past few decades. In the United States, the percentage of the population with a BMI over 30 has jumped from 14.5% in 1971 to 30.9% in 2000 and is projected to reach 50% by 2030. While most people recognize the dangers inherent with excessive body weight, few realize the societal impact from an economic and cultural perspective. Obesity can lead to other problems, such as disadvantages in business and increased employment costs. These effects impact not only individuals and families, but also corporations, communities, and governments.

In the United States, the annual medical cost associated with obesity is estimated to be $200 billion or 21.5% of all medical expenditures. The estimate for the annual expenditures on diet products is between $50 and $100 billion. Obesity prevention programs can reduce the cost of treating obesity-related diseases. In addition, these programs help improve patients' lifespans. However, researchers conclude that the longer lifespans require additional medical costs that offset any reduction in overall health spending.

Obesity has been linked to social stigmatization and disadvantages in employment. Obese workers on average have higher rate of absenteeism and take more disability leave than their normal weight counterparts. One study showed that individuals with a BMI exceeding 40 were twice as likely to file a worker's compensation claim as people with a normal BMI (18.5 - 24.9). In addition, these overweight workers had 12 times as many lost-work days, with the most common injuries in the lower extremities, wrists, and backs. These trends have led some insurance companies to propose higher premiums to workers with high BMIs.

Other studies show that obese people are less likely to be hired for a job or be promoted. On average, obese people tend to be paid slightly less than their normal-weight counterparts (3 - 6%); although, this discrepancy could easily result from other factors. Specific industries, however, do have legitimate concerns. Due to the increasing rates of obesity, airlines face higher fuel costs and an increasing demand for wider seats. In 2000, airlines estimated that the extra weight of obese passengers costs them $275 million. Faced with obese patients, the healthcare industry has had to invest in additional capital, such as special lifting equipment and bariatric ambulances. Certain restaurants have seen their costs increase in response to litigation accusing them of causing obesity.

While businesses and governments worldwide adapt to fatter customers and citizens, individuals are still recommended to lose weight. A normal weight is not only beneficial to your health, but it can also make life more enjoyable. Plus, a normal weight does not have the economic costs or the lingering stigmas that obesity has. Therefore, grab an apple, a walking stick, and your determination to lead a healthy lifestyle for a better future.

Are you struggling to lose weight? Download a FREE ebook on weight-loss secrets at

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Is Cardio Good for Weight Loss? By Bryan D Holekamp

Which consistent theme do you hear from most health gurus on how to lose weight? The answer - "Do lots of cardio." You will hear from just about every diet coach that you should consume fewer calories and do more cardiovascular exercise. It is the age-old 'Get-on-a-treadmill-and-run' mantra. Of course, this advice stems from the belief that your body is an energy balance and that you must burn more calories than you consume in order to lose weight. So what is the result of cardio training?

Exclusive cardio exercises come at a price. Now, when I say cardio, I am referring to cardiovascular endurance training. Key word: endurance. Cardio is long, drawn-out sessions of physical endurance that raise your heart rate for durations of at least 20 minutes (usually 45+ minutes). Examples of cardio exercises include jogging on a treadmill for 30 minutes, a long bicycle ride, swimming for an extended period of time, running more than a 5K, or an hour-long aerobics class. Please note that I am not including sprints into this category. Remember, the duration must be at least 20 minutes to be considered cardio.

So what is wrong with cardio training? Cardiovascular exercises burn muscle while preserving fat! You read that correctly. After an extended exercise interval, your body will burn muscle for fuel, and will later store more energy in fat tissue. From a physiological perspective, this makes perfect sense! Why should your body sport a lot of muscle when you are just moving from one location to another? Basic locomotion does not require much muscle. Your muscles are actually a hindrance: they weigh you down requiring more effort, and they burn calories just to function. Having more muscle boosts your metabolism, which means you burn more calories with the same amount of activity. Now, this may sound great to you (especially if you are trying to lose weight), but it is terrible news to your energy-hoarding body. To adapt to long cardiovascular sessions, your body wants to be as light as possible, while maintaining an energy repository. And what is the best way to store energy? Fat tissue- of course. There are more calories per gram with fat than with carbohydrates or proteins. So, to maximize energy storage and minimize weight, your body stores more fat and burns muscle. This reason explains why marathon runners are not muscular.

Of course, many people fixate on the weight loss aspect. Yes, it is true that cardio can help you lose weight. After all, I just stated that your body wants to minimize the weight to take the strain off your leg muscles. If your goal is simply weight loss, cardio training can help you get there. But simple weight loss is a terrible goal. You will end up like these marathon runners who are underweight but are clinically obese based on body fat (>30%). High body fat is unhealthy, no matter what your weight is. The takeaway is to focus on more short-term, intense bursts of exercise and NOT fattening, long-duration cardio training.

Are you struggling to lose weight? Download a FREE ebook on weight-loss secrets at

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Friday, February 1, 2013

How to Fight Childhood Obesity (Weight Loss, Nutrition, and Multivitamins)

The United States has seen a large jump in the number of obese people over the last forty years. According to the Body Mass Index (BMI), a metric for gauging body fat, 63% of Americans are overweight. 31% of Americans are obese, and 3.8 million Americans weigh over 300 pounds. The cost for maintaining the healthcare for a large number of overweight Americans is astronomic. This is due to many diseases being connected to obesity including: diabetes, cancer, depression, heart disease, and osteoporosis.

Yet, even more disturbing is the rate at which childhood obesity is rising. This dangerous trend is speeding the spread of many diseases in a lower age bracket. The number of heart attacks for people under 30 has risen significantly over the past five years. Many children now have cholesterol counts that were only seen in much older patients. This trend of childhood obesity, although starting in America, is spreading around the world. The amount of obese children could lead to a global pandemic of type 2 diabetes.

A new study has also found that the amount of fat cells in an adult body is equal to the amount of fat cells in the body when a person is eighteen years of age. This explains the problems that people, who were obese as children, have managing their weight later in life. It also shows the importance of helping children to control their weight and establish healthy lifestyles.

There are ways that parents, who have obese children, can help them. Here are some suggestions.
Be an example - Many studies have linked a connection between overweight parents passing their poor dieting practice onto their children. As a parent it is important that you set the example to your children of how to have a proper diet. This will require more work in the kitchen, and the preparation of more home cooked meals. Fast food is often a quick way to add large amounts of fats and sugars into your diet. Even if you have a busy schedule, there are many solutions and ways that people can plan out meals as a family. Not only will eating healthy meals increase the health of your child, but studies have shown that eating meals together as a family helps the child's social and behavioral development.

Don't be overbearing - Although it is a good idea to limit the amount of sugary food a child has, it isn't a good idea to cut them off cold turkey. One thing that parents often forget is that their children, although overweight, are still children. Not giving them any sugary food won't help them to make good nutritional decisions, but rather just eliminates the chance to help them learn to eat in moderation. Children can be both children and healthy. Your child doesn't live in a bubble don't feed them like they do.

Pay attention to your child's mental health - Depression and anxiety disorders are growing in children and teenagers. One of the common side effects of these symptoms is to over eat, which causes more anxiety and depression. Your child's over eating could be a sign of a more serious disorder, and solving that disorder will help solve the obesity.

Promote healthy practices - Help your children to find ways to have physical exercise. Also promote proper dental hygiene, and personal hygiene. Another good idea is to have your children take a good multivitamin. Even if you are giving them a wide variety of healthy foods in a nutritional diet, it is difficult to provide a growing child with all the nutrients they need. Helping them to form that habit of taking a good multivitamin will improve their health, and nutritional habits. Those habits will help them to control their weight, and to live better lives.

Childhood obesity is a problem that can't be ignored. Yet, people can make a large difference in this problem if they will make some simple adjustments in their daily lives. Weight loss can be a daunting task, but little steps will make a big difference in the long run.

For more info on multivitamins [], visit Top Form Nutrition

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Post Pregnancy Nutrition for Weight Loss

Although there are extra pounds post pregnancy is not the time to begin to diet, whether you are breastfeeding or not. Healthy weight loss is essential, and a change to your nutritional program to reflect your body's changing needs is the answer.

Nutritional dieting with a weight loss of about a half pound to a pound weekly is safe for a breastfeeding mom. For a bottle feeding mom, follow the USDA Food Guide Pyramid.

How to Diet After Post Pregnancy

• Rearrange your plate. Instead of having meat as your main entre, have vegetables, which you fill your plate with and eat first. Next, fill a quarter of your plate with lean protein and the other quarter with whatever you choose. For some extra calcium and protein, add a glass of skim milk to your meal.
• Drink plenty of water throughout the day, and be sure to have a glass of water before each snack or meal.
• Avoid costly foods and beverages, such as, sodas and chips. Avoid all empty calorie foods, snacks and beverages at all costs!
• Exercise regularly! Take some tips from the pros and visit our content on stretching and exercises.
• Track your progress.
• Eat high volume foods that burn fat like lean protein, vegetables, salads and soups.
• Eat five small meals a day, or three meals and two snacks, whichever keeps you the most comfortable throughout the day.
• Don't eat after dinner, and definitely not before bed, as you will store all the fat you eat.
• Get plenty of rest!
• Always begin your day with a healthy a healthy meal.

Nutrition is essential your body has gone through many changes and has been feeding two for nine months. Post pregnancy is not a time to cut calories, but, a time to eat nutritiously. Stay focused and encourage yourself daily, by keeping track of your progress.

Make sure to keep reasonable goals for yourself to achieve. The next step to add is exercise, which combined with your healthy diet can get your body back! Feel free to click on the link below to find exercise info after pregnancy and a bunch of other resources! There are lots of other Moms participating and that are looking to get their body back! You can do it too! Don't be afraid to try something new and flaunt the body you once had all over! Get started today like hundreds of others!


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Nutrition Plans For Weight Loss By Jamie E Bell

One of the most successful nutrition plans for weight loss to be introduced in recent years is the Jillian Michaels weight-loss plan. The plan accounts for three major factors which influence weight loss success in the long term: self, sweat and science. The plan recognizes that the process of losing weight is both a physical and a mental one, and aims to provide a gimmick-free plan for lifelong health and fitness. The plan recognizes that all of the conflicting information about nutrition can leave many dieters feeling lost and frustrated, and breaks down exactly what you should eat to lose weight in a steady and sustainable way. The nutrition plan helps people to discover which foods are optimal for their body type and metabolic rate, the number of calories they should eat each day to ensure successful weight loss, recipes fully customized to body type that are delicious and easy to prepare, and tips and strategies for eating out without straying from your plan.

Today Show nutrition expert Joy Bauer has formulated one of the simplest nutrition plans for weight loss available. Her highly popular diet is now an easy step-by-step online diet program which is fully customized for you to get the best possible result. The plan emphasizes plenty of healthy carbohydrates such as whole grains, lean protein, fresh fruit and vegetables - plus a range of delicious and satisfying treats that you can enjoy guilt-free. There are plenty of online tools to help you along the way, including a calorie calculator which will provide you with the nutritional information of thousands of foods to help you make diet-friendly choices; a meal planner and hundreds of healthy recipes to help you get started in the kitchen; and a food log for recording what you eat during the day, so that you can track your weight loss properly. The program offers a free diet profile - participants take a quick and easy quiz and receive a personalized eating plan which is based on the principles of Joy's Food Cures.

The South Beach diet has been enormously popular in recent years, thanks to the endorsement of the diet plan by a number of high-profile celebrities, with more than 5 million copies of the book sold in the US alone. This is considered to be one of the best diets that work. Originally formulated by Dr Agatson, one of America's leading cardiologists, as a diet plan for his heart patients to improve cardiac health, it soon demonstrated its effectiveness as a weight loss plan. Like many recent nutrition plans for weight loss, the South Beach Diet is based on the principles of the GI diet. After an initial period of restricted carbohydrates, the diet slowly reintroduces foods which score low on the glycaemic index, helping to break the cycle of carb binges and emotional eating which many dieters falls into. During this first phase, simple carbs such as cereal, white bread, sweets, cake, alcohol, potatoes and bagels are banned. The diet instead emphasizes low-GI vegetables, lean meat and fish, nuts and olive oil. It is claimed that you can lose between 8 and 13 pounds within the first two weeks, and then a respectable 1-2 pounds every week after that.

For more information about these and other diets that work visit my website

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