Sunday, January 20, 2013

Why Fruits and Vegetables Are Great Weight Loss Foods

Our parents have drilled it into our minds and we have driven into the minds of our own children - if we want our bodies to grow healthy and strong, we need to eat our fruits and vegetables. This statement has been ingrained in all of our minds and has been ingrained there for good reason. Fruits and veggies provide our bodies with all of the minerals, nutrients, and vitamins that we need to keep our bodies healthy and fight off illness and disease. What many people do not know, however, is that a diet rich in these fresh foods can also be extremely beneficial to weight loss. To find out how, continue reading this article. Throughout the article we will discuss the three main ways that fruits and veggies can help you to lose and maintain a healthy weight.

The first way that fresh produce can help individuals to lose weight is through controlling food cravings. As we all know, fruits and vegetables are packed full of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals - many of which are not contained in other foods that we eat. But how does this help to control hunger and food cravings? As many of you probably already know, our bodies are constantly sending us messages. When our body needs nutrients, it sends us a message in the form of hunger or cravings. When this happens, many of us eat - but we eat the wrong foods. We eat foods that are packed full of junk. Because these foods still do not provide our bodies with the nutrients that it is looking for, we quickly become hungry again, eating more food, and packing in more calories. If one were to replace these junky foods with fruits and vegetables (packed full of the nutrients that the body is looking for), their body would react in a more positive way, allowing them to consume less food throughout the day.

The second way that fruits and veggies help us to lose weight is through filling our stomachs up quickly. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber - a food content that is excellent for weight loss solutions. When fiber enters our stomachs, it combines with water and expands. This gives our stomach a 'full' feeling quickly. Because these foods are full of fiber, we can get full off of small amounts, allowing us to eat less.

Finally, fruits and veggies can benefit you in your weight loss solutions because, unlike many other foods that we eat, they are not packed full of unhealthy, fat-producing contents. Contents such as calories, fats, and carbohydrates provide our bodies with much needed energy. When we eat too many of these things, however, the excess that is not converted into energy is instead converted into fat. Fresh produce contains just enough of these contents to provide our bodies with energy, but not enough to make our bodies gain weight.

For more information on how these foods can aide in your weight loss solutions, continue searching the internet. There are many resources out there that can provide you with information regarding what fruits and vegetables to eat, as well as what other foods are weight loss friendly.

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